Thursday, July 22, 2010

What I love:)

You know what I love? What I get immense amounts of joy from? I get this from my mother. At least that is what Drew says. I love. Love. Love. checking things off of a list. Making a huge list of things that need to be done. And doing them. I love looking at the list and physically seeing what I have accomplished.

It feels so good!

The past few days, I have been able to mark a few things off of my long long list. Being right in the middle of wedding planning and all, making a list has been key. Right now it is pretty long, but It has been slowly getting shorter every day. I am so grateful that we have all of the larger plans out of the way. It makes it so much more enjoyable and that much less stressful. It is all coming together.

And it feels so good!

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