Sunday, May 25, 2008

AAAHH!!!!!! SNAKES!!!!!

As you all know, my parents are in Florida right now. Since it is a long weekend, we decided to seperate and all go to different cousins houses. Clairissa is at the Ercanbracks, Zach is at the Melansons, Andrew is at Dillons, and Abby, Jilly and I are at the Seegrists. Uncle John and Caleb were outside working when they found a snake. They thought it would be cool for all of us to take turns holding the snake. As soon as Jillian saw it, she ran inside screaming! Eventually, after about an hour, We convinced Jillian to hold the snake. I even held the snake! You should all be proud of me!!! After we were all done taking our turns of holding the snake, Mckenna was cleaning out the fridge when Noel stuck the snake in her face and she screamed!! I was laughing so hard I was crying!
Later that night, Noel, Mckenna, Mandi and I all went on a date together...well, a date here at the house. It was so much fun! We watched a movie and then ran around in the park.


Dione said...

I am proud of you - I didn't even hold the snake!! Thanks for coming to visit us! You were all good girls!

Sue Nuhn said...

I can't believe you held a SNAKE!!! I got freaked out just looking at the pictures.